GestureTek GroundFX | GestureTek GroundFX | Paradigm Audio Visual Ltd | Advanced Sound & Communication


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Paradigm Audio Visual Ltd - GestureTek GroundFX
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GestureTek GroundFX

Model: GestureTek GroundFX

  • Over 70 eye-catching special effects and games
  • Simple instructions to customizing basic applications on your own
  • A hygienic, no-touch alternative to a touch screen
  • Provides information in a more engaging way, with high ad recall
  • Entertains customers as they make buying decisions
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Product Info
GroundFX revolutionizes public space entertainment and advertising by projecting dynamic, visual content onto surfaces, including floors, wall and table. GroundFX uses GestureTeks's patented motion gesture control system to create an interactive virtual world. Our stat-or-the-art tracking system continuously detects body position, allowing for real-time interaction between users and the display. GroundFX's array of special effects can be customized in endless ways. Ripples form as you step on pools of water. Images flip or fly with the sweep of your arm. Fire, bubbles and beams of light emit as you enter the display area. Picture yourself cracking ice to reveal a school or fish that instantly scatters away. PLay virtual soccer and other games or engage interactive display advertising that is both informative and entertaining. GroundFX is effective in many types of venues, including retail outlets, sports arenas, and transportation terminals. It always draws crowds at trade shows and takes entertainment to new levels at night clubs and other location-based entertainment sites.
  • Over 70 eye-catching special effects and games
  • Simple instructions to customizing basic applications on your own
  • A hygienic, no-touch alternative to a touch screen
  • Provides information in a more engaging way, with high ad recall
  • Entertains customers as they make buying decisions
  • Can be networked for a site-wide content changes
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