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The Power of Business Data
How Kramer Control Automatically Delivers Analytics
September 27 at 2:00pm EDT
Organizations increasingly rely on business data to make decisions about, well, everything.
The business analytics market is growing at 11.7 percent CAGR through to 2020. The recent shift toward so many technology, security and facilities decisions being made by organization’s IT departments has had a big impact. Decisions are being made with an IT mindset. That means business data is treasured as a means for predicting return on investments (ROI).
Join this free webinar presented by Kramer and Commercial Integrator to learn how to leverage Kramer Control, not only to deliver robust automaton solutions to your customers with little to no programming, but how to continually use the analytics engine to churn out much-needed business data.
Advanced Sound & Communication
3817 Broadway
Kansas City, MO 64111
(816) 931-9525