RAVENNA brings IP to your mixing console. As a solution for real-time distribution of audio and other media content within IP-based network environments, RAVENNA is a revolution for our industry. Already now, RAVENNA fully supports AES67-based stream exchange with other networking systems, but provides superior functionality in terms of control, performance, flexibility and applicability.
RAVENNA at Lawo consists of two add-on cards enabling the creation of a consistent audio network. Through it, we provide you with the means to profit from this revolution. Now, you can use this innovative IP technology during everyday productions in combination with our mc² consoles and the Nova73 HD routing matrix. Lawo provides two RAVENNA slot-in cards: the I/O card for the HD-Core and the master card of the DALLIS I/O system. The I/O card presents the Lawo router with its door to the proverbial RAVENNA world, while the DALLIS master card is its counterpiece on the Lawo DALLIS stagebox’ side. The RAVENNA HD-Core implementation is of high capacity, high quality and with an absolutely low latency profile of 1 sample.